September 26: Wild Mushroom Foray
Duluth, MN
Available spots
Service Description
Join wild mushroom identification and foraging expert, Ariel Bonkoski, for a guided mushroom foray! We will start with some general wild mushroom information and foray guidelines, then hike in search of mushrooms, and we will wrap up the day with any tips to store or prepare your mushrooms that we harvest from our foray! As we hike for mushrooms, we will stop and talk about each one that we are finding. We can harvest mushrooms that are edible, medicinal, or can be used for other things! This event should take 2 hours approximately and will be within city limits of Duluth. You will receive an email the day before the foray with the precise location. No refunds. Ages 16+, but under 18 still requires an adult present with you. Foray happens rain or shine, but may cancel if there is extreme weather, with full refunds. Please note that we are not guaranteed to find edible mushrooms, but Ariel does a great job of monitoring the area to choose a location with the best potential!
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